Mr. Bui Tien Long, Founder and Managing Partner of LIKON LAW Co., Ltd, is honored to participate in the ALSA International Moot Court Competition 2021 held online by ALSA Vietnam as a Judge.
The ALSA International Moot Court Competition (“AIMCC”) is a simulated arbitration hearing of an International Investment Dispute Settlement. This is an annual activity held by the Asian Law Students’ Association (“ALSA”), which is opened to participants from all over the world. The AIMCC was first held in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2015. This is the 6th time AIMCC has taken place. The theme for this year’s competition is Foreign Direct Investment Law, with an emphasis on how the host states regulate foreign investment to protect their public interest for its unique character, applicability, and increasing relevance in the developing world, not only in the field of law, but also in the fields of business and economics. In particular, the moot problem relates to intellectual property rights on international arbitration for investment disputes.
Time: 3rd-5th September 2021
Platform: Zoom hosted by ALSA Vietnam, Local Chapter Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam